Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Crap from Hollywood expected to last at least two years

Holy shit I can't believe that I forgot about all this. Below is a list of "Major" movies for the next two years. It was compiled from IMDB believe. Can you believe a fucking Rambo 4!!!! Who the hell is going to see that shit?!?! I guess the same people who saw the last two. The first one doesn't count cause the first one was banging sweet. Can you guess who Mr. John Rambo is going to go after in this one? Hmmm.... let me guess...

Maybe he'll suprise us all and go after the current administration

Die Hard 4.0 (2006)
Rambo 4 (2006)
Rocky Balboa (2007)
Jurassic Park IV (2008)
Indiana Jones 4 (2007)
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest (2006)
Pirates of the Caribbean 3 (2007)
Mission: Impossible III (2006)
Sin City 2 (2006)
Sin City 3 (2008)

I had to go so something so I stopped linking these up. But you can get more of the iggies over at IMDB

Scary Movie 4 (2006)
The DaVinci Code (2006)
James Bond - Casino Royale (2006)
World Trade Center (2006)
Ice Age 2 (2006)
Ocean’s Thirteen (2007)
The Pacific War (2006).
Halo (2007)
Superman Returns (2006)
Spider-Man 3 (2007)
Saw III (2006)
National Treasure 2 (2007)
The Grudge 2 (2006)
Big Momma’s House 2 (2006)
Cockblockers (2006)
Field Trip (2006))

US to use MOAB, "Massive Ordnance Air Blast" on Hurricanes

What could go wrong?:
US to use MOAB, "Massive Ordnance Air Blast" on Hurricanes

-In an effort to combat the devastating effects of category 5 hurricanes, New Tech Spy has learned from well connected DoD sources, that the US Department of Homeland Security has teamed with the US Air Force, in a secret mission called “Operation Dark Sky”. Dark Sky’s purpose is to test the effectiveness of the newly developed MOAB fuel air explosive on the destructive eye wall of selected hurricanes, in an effort to disrupt the central core’s development and diminish its intensity. The program will begin this summer, primarily in the Gulf of Mexico, and extend through the 2006 hurricane season.
---The GBU-43/B (MOAB), “Mother of all bombs” was developed in the run-up to the Iraq war, but was never used in battle. The 21,000 pound fuel air bomb works by first dispersing an aerosol cloud of tritonal, which is then set off by a secondary explosion. The force of the explosion creates a massive pressure wave unlike that of any other conventional bomb, and makes it an ideal platform for US scientists to test on the different types of atmospheric conditions created in a hurricane.
---The initial program calls for five GBU-43’s to be dropped in 30 minute intervals on the leading eye wall of the hurricane. Specially modified C-130 aircraft will deliver the satellite-guided bombs in altitudes ranging from 8,000 to 30,000 feet, the effect will be measured by hurricane hunter planes and weather satellites. The secret operation will not be disclosed to the American people unless it is a complete success, but that might not be known for months or perhaps even years of study, which will certainly add to the intrigue and speculation surrounding “Dark Sky”, America’s big little secret.

Monday, February 27, 2006


Via the boing and the boing :

AfterWith a very little effort, you can take existing photographs of everyday scenes and make it look like they're actually of miniature models.
It doesn't take much to fool the mind of the viewer, but there are a few basic rules you can follow to help convince your audience that they're looking
Very cool effect, but you really need to grab the right photo. Photos that are shot from above, like from the top of a building, tend to work the best.

And now for spooky f'ing picture of the day

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Police Station Intimidation

Undercover Video You'll Find hard To Believe
I-Team Uncovers Imtimidation In Complaint Process
See The Reaction From Police Officials

::rubs hands together::
Oooh, this is going to be good!!!

Friday, February 24, 2006


You know what it is about this band... I can enjoy them in unendinggracelessness. They are neo-poppy-whatevers and do it well. Like listening to great bands of the past(90s*) doing their thing. It's almost too easy on the ears. I could listen to them for ever. And I have nothing other more to say other than that, that, that..

Listening to them is like listening to Gabriel singing in Genesis. It is amazing at how well they bring barbershop-quartet-type choruses together with such a fucking poppy sound.

No one here in the US is going to get/hear them for about 6 months from now. I can live in that.

What I can't live with is that the fact that I can enjoy myself without the feeling that I should not like them for being "poppy." God-damn they are really the best fucking band out there

Mexican Standoff is one of the many that stand out on this album. I know that they have two others under their belt, but this is my first for this band.

I will say that they have revived my spirit for music, ... in an of itself

Just don't let it go to your fucking head.

*Not that there were many bands that were good. Just that the bands that were good, were really really good. (See Pearl Jam(Cause they were really good))

Women feeding cat... Cat feeding women... Cats that are fed from... fuck it

Strange... very strange:

Very very strange.

But suprisingly not what... meh, it is

Student protests police using flashers to run red light

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee (AP) -- A Tennessee judge gave a college student a driving lesson in court this week: don't correct the police.

Clay Palmer, a student at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, honked his car horn when he saw a policeman turn on blue flashers to pass through a red traffic light. The officer then turned the flashers off after moving through the intersection.

Palmer said officer Matthew Puglise then stopped his patrol car and issued him a ticket for honking his horn for no reason -- a violation of the city noise ordinance.

The charge was reduced to a warning Wednesday when he went before a judge who told him he acted wrongly.

"The horn blowing is not the real problem here, it's that you were trying to correct the police and they didn't need correcting," Judge Russell Bean said.

Palmer left traffic court saying he still believed officers were abusing their authority.

"I see this cop with his blue lights come screeching up beside me and I didn't know what was going on," Palmer said. "Before they got to the next light, I could see they turned their blue lights off."

Officer Puglise said he was helping fellow police track down a speeder when Palmer saw him pass through the red light.

Judge Bean said Puglise was right and Palmer was wrong.

"I expect officers to follow the rules like everyone else," Bean said.

This is bullshit! That kid is right, cops should follow the same rules as everyone else. You know how many cops I see pull that shit all the time.

"The horn blowing is not the real problem here, it's that you were trying to correct the police and they didn't need correcting," Judge Russell Bean said."
is bullshit too! So what, we're supposed to let cops do whatever the fuck they want!?!? Hello?!?! Rodney King people!!! Open for abuse!!!


KFC Unveils "Tivo-Proof" Ad

From First Coast News:

JACKSONVILLE, FL -- Advertisers are running into a jam. With more and more people using digital video recorders, people are just zipping through the ads.

One company says you won't want to do that with their latest commercial.

KFC says its latest ad has a hidden message. Apparantly, if you watch the ad in slow motion, you can decode the message, and get a coupon for a free sandwich.

The ad premiers at eight a.m. Tuesday.

So, this could be really cool. As Engadget has pointed out, it could get to the point that companies give free schwag if you repeat whatever phrase that comes out. I can imagine this scenario:
A contest where certain channels would have commercials that if strung together would have a "Grand prize" of sorts. I dunno. It's early, what the hell do you want!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

U.S. Grants Patent For AJAX

From the "They-Still-Don't-Get-It" dept:
Via aviransplace.com

The patent–issued on Valentine’s Day–covers all rich-media technology implementations, including Flash, Flex, Java, Ajax, and XAML, when the rich-media application is accessed on any device over the Internet, according to the patent holders.

A patent has been granted to a relatively unknown California Web-design firm for an invention its creator says covers the design and creation of most rich-media applications used over the Internet. The patent holder, Balthaser Online Inc., says it ...

Are you fucking kidding me!?!? I wonder how long this will last. For some reason me thinks it will probably go the way of the ComperServe GIF debacle. They'll try to enforce, the net-munity (is that gay or is it me) will tell Balthaser Online Inc., to fuck off... Just another day...

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Global Warming: Passing the 'Tipping Point'

Just a little cheer for you on Valentine's Day from Truthout:
Research commissioned by The Independent reveals that the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has now crossed a threshold, set down by scientists from around the world at a conference in Britain last year, beyond which really dangerous climate change is likely to be unstoppable.

Is there really anyplace one could go to get away from this? You think maybe one could move to an island up north and be ok?

We are so screwed

Gay old time at the Olympics

From Gawker

Times slide show, right now:

Flaming rollerbladers? A burning cock? These next 16 days are going to be fabulous.

WTF!?!? Is going on over there!?!

I just had some wicked deja-vue

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

1-800-flowers.com can kiss my ass

I do have to say that 1-800-flowers.com did try and make it up to me for delivering 11 roses by refunding me my purchase. But can you ever really make up for getting only 11 roses?

And they were supposed to send the other rose that they forgot...

they never did.

And they only gave me half my purchase back...

... fuckers

go go proflowers.com!