Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For Idiots Like Me That Think They've Ruined Their iPod Nano Trying To Install iPodLinux Onto It!

So, if you've tried to install iPodLinux onto your iPod Nano you know it isn't the easiest thing the world to do. Which is wierd cause it sure looked like it was going to be easy. Hell! Someone posted up on's Windows Installations Section, " Installation from windows... Nano ...that works!"... Yeah, not on all iPod Nano s. At least not on mine.

Half way through the installation it says to unplug your nano from your pc and then reboot and everything will be hunky-dory. No. I unplug, my Nano reboots, and then NOTHING will see it! My Nano will not mount. iTunes will not see my Nano. The iPodLinux installer won't recognize my Nano. And the iPodUpdater won't see my Nano. FUCK! I think I am screwed. I will be damned if I am going to go down to fucking Apples store and go up to one of those... people there... and admit defeat! I REFUSE! So I uninstall iTunes. Uninstall iPod. Reinstall all that crap still nothing. I am so fucked. I'm going to have to send this thing in and fiegn ignorance (not too far off.)

And then poking through the forums at I keep hearing about the HPUSBFW.exe or HB's USB thingy. So, I DL it, Launch that little bad boy and select FAT32. Select 'Quick Format.' And all is good. Thank you baby-jesus! Hey I don't even have to let my gf know I'm not as l33t as I think I am.

So the moral of this story is; Don't give up hope, HB's USB Thingy is there to save your ass... or at least keep it from having to send it in to have someone else fix it for you.

NOTE: I put in all the iPod Nano will not mount and Reformat iPod Nano so knucks like me can find some help.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Man using Web to barter paper clip for house

From CNN:
BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- Kyle MacDonald had a red paper clip and a dream: Could he use the community power of the Internet to barter that paper clip for something better, and trade that thing for something else -- and so on and so on until he had a house?

After a cross-continental trading trek involving a fish-shaped pen, a town named Yahk and the Web's astonishing ability to bestow celebrity, MacDonald is getting close. He's up to one year's free rent on a house in Phoenix.


And I am jealous.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The "Key West Uniform": President Truman's Tropical Sport Shirts

From The Harry S. Truman National Historic Site:

Harry Truman was always known for his neat appearance. When he became president, his everyday garments became more fashionable and care was taken to adopt "appropriate" dress for the leader of a nation. His recognizable double-breasted suit, Stetson hat and spectator shoes were his trademark. Faced with more scrutiny over his clothing than he had experienced as senator or vice president, he took few risks with the exception of a splashy tie now and then. That is, until he started vacationing in Key West .
Check It out!
Who knew! I mean the president has the opportunity to wear anything and he goes with this!

Babies First Prank Call

From Wired:
"Among his other activities, Woz collects phone numbers, and his longtime goal has been to acquire a number with seven matching digits.... After more months of scheming and waiting, he had it: 888-8888. This was his new cell-phone number, and his greatest philonumerical triumph.

The number proved unusable. It received more than a hundred wrong numbers a day. Given that the number is virtually impossible to misdial, this traffic was baffling. More strange still, there was never anybody talking on the other end of the line. Just silence. Or, not silence really, but dead air, sometimes with the sound of a television in the background, or somebody talking softly in English or Spanish, or bizarre gurgling noises. Woz listened intently.

Then, one day, with the phone pressed to his ear, Woz heard a woman say, at a distance, "Hey, what are you doing with that?" The receiver was snatched up and slammed down.

Suddenly, it all made sense: the hundreds of calls, the dead air, the gurgling sounds. Babies. They were picking up the receiver and pressing a button at the bottom of the handset. Again and again. It made a noise: "Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep."

The children of America were making their first prank call.

And the person who answered the phone was Woz."
I was wondering where that was going. Would've been kinda cool trying to Sherlock those calls to figure out where they were coming from.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Recipe for making butter

From: I Guess the Butter Institute or something.
Making butter is easy with a food processor, and it produces a light fresh taste. You will need:

1-2 cups heavy whipping cream, or double cream (1/3 liter)
(preferably without carrageenan or other stabilizers)

Fit food processor with plastic blade, whisk, or normal chopping blade. Fill food processor about 1/4 - 1/2 full. Blend. The cream will go through the following stages: Sloshy, frothy, soft whipped cream, firm whipped cream, coarse whipped cream. Then, suddenly, the cream will seize, its smooth shape will collapse, and the whirring will change to sloshing. The butter is now fine grained bits of butter in buttermilk, and a few seconds later, a glob of yellowish butter will separate from milky buttermilk. Drain the buttermilk.

You can eat the butter now -- it has a light taste -- though it will store better if you wash and work it. Add 1/2 cup (100 mL) of ice-cold water, and blend further. Discard wash water and repeat until the wash water is clear. Now, work butter to remove suspended water. Either place damp butter into a cool bowl and knead with a potato masher or two forks; or put in large covered jar, and shake or tumble. Continue working, pouring out the water occasionally, until most of the water is removed. The butter is now ready. Put butter in a butter crock, ramekins, or roll in waxy freezer paper.

Yield: About half as much butter as the amount of cream you started with.

I know you have be saying to yourself, "Botunda, you got to be fucking kidding me!??!"

Go take a look if you don't believe me. Fucking homemade butta!

Kentucky Derby to offer race-goers $1,000 mint julep

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- As if custom-made hats, premium box seats and limo rides weren't enough, the Kentucky Derby will now feature the $1,000 mint julep.

Sip this drink slowly.
The sweet cocktail will be made with one of the state's finest bourbons and served in a gold-plated cup with a silver straw to the first 50 people willing to put down the cash at the May 6 race.

Mint from Morocco, ice from the Arctic Circle and sugar from the South Pacific will put this mint julep in a class of its own, the distillery selling the drink said.


Shit... If I had enough money to go to the Kentucky Derby you know I would be buying the $1000.00 Mint Julep. Besides, you get ice from the Antartic... That shit isn't going to be around for ever ya know!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Cool Artsy Thing of The Day (CATOTD)


Some really wonderful stuff.Check it out! It's all this paper-crafty stuff. The site is in Korean, but you don't need to speaky to understand the message.

Very cool indeed!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Greenpeace: McDonald's Harming the Amazon

From: Red Orbit
RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil -- Greenpeace on Thursday said McDonald's was fueling Amazon rainforest destruction by using soybeans grown in the region as feed for chickens that end up served in the fast-food chain's European restaurants.

In a reported entitled, "Eating up the Amazon," the environmental group said it has traced soy beans grown in illegally desforested areas of the rainforest to McDonald's Corp. (MCD) restaurants, as well as other restaurant chains and supermarkets across Europe.

"Fast Food giants like McDonald's are trashing the Amazon for cheap meat. Every time you buy a Chicken McNugget you could be taking a bite out of the Amazon," Greenpeace forests campaign coordinator Gavin Edwards said by telephone from London.


Well there goes that fucking nugget diet I was thinking about!

Shouldv'e bought last year...

From:International Herald Tribune
NEW YORK Gold has traded above $600 an ounce for the first time in 25 years and silver reached a 22-year high as investors continued to pour money into precious metals.

On Thursday, gold futures for delivery in June settled $7.20 higher, or 1.2 percent, at $599.70 on the New York Mercantile Exchange after going as high as $601.90. Silver rose 34.2 cents, or 2.9 percent, to $12.15 an ounce. On the Tokyo Commodity Exchange on Friday, gold finished 1 percent higher at ¥2,286 a gram, or $603.10 an ounce, after hitting Y2,294, the highest level since October 1987. Silver finished at $12.15 an ounce.

Gold, which a year ago was trading at $436.50, was last above $600 in 1981. Silver, at $7.41 a year ago, was last above $12 in 1983.


Damnit. I mean really.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

From the "It not funny goddamnit" Files:

You have to watch it until the end. The guy loses his shit:

I think they're talking about how that chick in the wheelchair is sick and medicine or something.

UPDATE: Seems it's not working. Oh well. Go to You Tube and look for "laughter". Work is blocking access to the site at the moment!

From the "You knew it was coming, but you probably don't want to know about it" section

Came across something called Simpsons Trailer on You Tube. That got deleted because of copyright issues (ithuess.) So a quick poke around the Goog and lo-and-behold (that is how you write that and I didn't even have to look it up) there is a Simpsons Trailer. And it's available at Apple. Go take a look and see that which is going to be all sorts of not funny.

The Simpsons Teaser Trailer
