Wednesday, April 26, 2006

For Idiots Like Me That Think They've Ruined Their iPod Nano Trying To Install iPodLinux Onto It!

So, if you've tried to install iPodLinux onto your iPod Nano you know it isn't the easiest thing the world to do. Which is wierd cause it sure looked like it was going to be easy. Hell! Someone posted up on's Windows Installations Section, " Installation from windows... Nano ...that works!"... Yeah, not on all iPod Nano s. At least not on mine.

Half way through the installation it says to unplug your nano from your pc and then reboot and everything will be hunky-dory. No. I unplug, my Nano reboots, and then NOTHING will see it! My Nano will not mount. iTunes will not see my Nano. The iPodLinux installer won't recognize my Nano. And the iPodUpdater won't see my Nano. FUCK! I think I am screwed. I will be damned if I am going to go down to fucking Apples store and go up to one of those... people there... and admit defeat! I REFUSE! So I uninstall iTunes. Uninstall iPod. Reinstall all that crap still nothing. I am so fucked. I'm going to have to send this thing in and fiegn ignorance (not too far off.)

And then poking through the forums at I keep hearing about the HPUSBFW.exe or HB's USB thingy. So, I DL it, Launch that little bad boy and select FAT32. Select 'Quick Format.' And all is good. Thank you baby-jesus! Hey I don't even have to let my gf know I'm not as l33t as I think I am.

So the moral of this story is; Don't give up hope, HB's USB Thingy is there to save your ass... or at least keep it from having to send it in to have someone else fix it for you.

NOTE: I put in all the iPod Nano will not mount and Reformat iPod Nano so knucks like me can find some help.



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